With the impossible price of housing here in Hong Kong, as new type of apartment is created for the younger generation of Hong Kongers: apartments with no window but wall sized digital screen for windows. Of course it is all air conditioned. The space is very affordable. The screen allows you to see any parts of the world, in web cam real time, see internet and surf, gaming and cinema all in one, the high resolution allows you to connect to another living room and see your friends as if they are real sitting across the room. Will you prefer that apartment or a real window that cost millions of dollar just to get a decent view? Post your preference and explain why here.
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CCHU9056Â Virtual Worlds, Real Bodies
HKU Common Core Course
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I think it depends on how much reality the screen flat provides. All concerns including the breath for sunlight or mental health risk are due to immature technologies from my point of view. You cannot distinguish what's virtual and what's real indeed given the preposition the question assumed.